Bulldog AW Avonride & Knott Hitch Lock

Article number: FTCAWLOCK
Availability: Call Fieldfare Trailers for Information 01980 611853

ulldog A.W suitable for standard Avonride 12-15851 and 12-14304 (3.5 tonne trailers) hitch heads.

* Versatile will fit hitched, unhitched or in conjuntion with a Bulldog lock post.

* Compact and easily stored.

* Quick and easy to fit.

* Highly visible red powder coated finish.

* Well proven high security drill and pick resistant lock .

* 3mm thick bottom channel encloses the hitch head and fixings.

* Complete with dummy ring to restrict access to the towing point.

* Sold Secure Gold Approval

* Insurance Approved.

The Mini Lock meets Police approved standards.

Secured by Design is the only form of Police approval for products in the UK.

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