Trailer Servicing | Fieldfare Trailer Centre
We offer a comprehensive Servicing and repair facility. We also pride ourselves on our standard of work and our fast efficient and friendly service
At Fieldfare we know every trailer service is different. Dependant on age, use and service history. Some trailers will not require as much as an extensive service as others. So please contact us today and we can provide a quotation that suits your needs and budget.
Contact Fieldfare Trailer Centre
Telephone 01980 611853 - Option 4 or pop in and speak to any of our friendly staff.
Email us at [email protected]
Full Servicing Procedure
- Place Trailer on Vehicle Lift, jack up with Beam Jacks and make safe.
- Remove all road wheels and check condition and pressure of tyres and wheel rims including spare (adjust if necessary)
- Remove hubs, strip out seals and bearings and check condition.
- Check brake shoes and drums for damage and clean. Check auto reverse mechanism.
- Check wheel studs, re-assemble bearings and hubs.
- Check bowden cables / rod mechanisms.
- Check axle cable anchor points.
- Check all clevis pins etc. for wear and missing split pins and replace if necessary.
- Re-adjust brakes and cables as required to correct tolerances and operation, compensator should run parallel to axle line.
- Check handbrake action.
- Check coupling and fixing bolts.
- Check condition of coupling head to towball fitting.
- Check draw bar bushes for wear (lift in draw tube shaft).
- Check rubber bellows for splits etc.
- Check overrun damper action
- Check breakaway cable for compatibility & Damage
- Check axle mounting brackets and fixing bolts.
- Check jockey wheel for winding action, tyre and wheel condition.
- Inspect jockey wheel shaft for indentation by the clamp handle.
- Lubricate all moving jockey wheel parts and threads.
- Replace jockey wheel assembly ensuring clamp pad is in place (if fitted)
- Check operation of all lights.
- Check condition and security of wiring and plug.
- Check suspension units, rubber coil and leaf springs for damage etc.
- Check that all bodywork fasteners are secure and firmly fitted.
- Check security and condition of mud guards and mountings etc.
- Check operation of corner jacks or props.